If you are afraid of spiders , the golden spider you can not seriously scare . These creepy spiders can grow to the size of your palm , for example , some types of spiders have a span of Taiwan clutches of about 13 cm, but no matter how terrible they are, these amazing spiders spin webs up to 1 meter wide and strong enough to catch them snakes , birds and bats even !Spider - golden silk (or banana spider) was so named because of silk , which he uses to build its web. Sunlight yarn shine like gold, thus attracting bees and in the shadows merge with the foliage around the web , making it invisible to the victims of the spider. It is noteworthy also that the spider can change the color of the pigment strand in the process of weaving the web , so Wide Web will be invisible on a light or dark background. Also yarns spun by a spider which contain special chemical compound which repels ants.
Remarkably, only females to create a unique one of its kind with a solid web of golden hue . These spiders peculiar sexual dimorphism , where the size of the females at times larger than males. Female body reaches a length of 4 cm , and leg span - all 13 ! Males are almost 5 times less , and the length of their bodies together with spread legs is just 2.5 centimeters.
All spiders ( not only Spider - golden ) weave a very strong web. Wide consists mainly of proteins containing unusual amino acids alanine many (25 %) and glycine (about 40 %). Portions of protein molecules , rich in alanine to form a tightly packed crystalline regions of the folds , provide high strength, while those areas where more than glycine are more amorphous material capable of good stretch and thereby imparting elasticity filament . Cobweb five times stronger than steel and more elastic than nylon. This is very interesting stuff!
It's no wonder that scientists are looking for a way to artificially create such material , and the designer Simon Pearce with entrepreneur Nicholas Godley teamed up on the island of Madagascar in an attempt to create a fabric of spider webs - golden . Within four years , and Pierce Godley with more than 1 million females of golden spider collected spiders web and created a magnificent cloak of web strands . Simon Pearce says that the fabric is so light that it seems that you are wearing the cloak . And do not worry , no one was hurt when a spider making this cloak !
General description of the golden spider
Scientific name: Nephila (from the Greek. Νήμα + φίλος, «loving weave").
Occurrence: Australia, Asia, Africa, Madagascar, America.
Toxicity: Poison spiders of the genus Nephila strong, but not lethal to humans. Bite causes local pain, redness and blisters, which usually disappear within a 24-hour interval. In rare cases it may cause allergic reactions, and asthma, and have trouble breathing.
Scientific name: Nephila (from the Greek. Νήμα + φίλος, «loving weave").
Occurrence: Australia, Asia, Africa, Madagascar, America.
Toxicity: Poison spiders of the genus Nephila strong, but not lethal to humans. Bite causes local pain, redness and blisters, which usually disappear within a 24-hour interval. In rare cases it may cause allergic reactions, and asthma, and have trouble breathing.
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