Myths and useful information about silk
Three myths about silkPermissibly luxury or 3 myth of natural silk .Myth 1 . Silk is very difficult to distinguish from unnatural .
This is not so . Only need to take a lighter ! Stretching
a few strings of fabric you are interested , you incinerate them (
being careful not to burn the whole store ) and immediately sniff - it
should smell singed horn or wool. Polyester unlike silk melts and viscose smolders and smells of burnt paper. Clotted lump silk can grind in the fingers, like an ordinary coal . That's it. Any reputable fabric store you will spend this simple examination.Myth 2 . Silk is expensive.
That is not quite true. $ 100 per square meter can cost silk -known European designers, but in this case you pay for the name and fashionable design . Material
itself of silkworm cocoons (bombix mori) in Russia can cost anywhere
from 10 to $ 70 depending on the density and texture. Tissues
such as habotai , excelsior , gas -chiffon , crepe de chine and thin
atlases for hand painting can not be expensive because most artists need
a cheap material ( 150-450 p). Of these tissues also sew expensive linens, accessories, etc. So it is safe to say that the silk and silk clothing began in Russia the permissible luxury.Myth 3 . Silk is always smooth, shiny and slippery.
My neighbor bought a silk bedding and tells me - " waste of money ! Throughout the night rolled off the bed ! ". Silk
satin really has a smooth surface , which, however, after washing in
the washing machine drum becomes more like a gentle husky ( This trick
does not pass with polyester or viscose ) . And
then of silk fabrics have a brand -slip and much more suitable for
bedding : crepe de chine (you can do the sheets on elastic, silk crepe
gives elasticity and small and along the diagonal ) , wet silk (or silk
with peach skin effect ) - is the best ideal for those who do a lot of tossing and turning during sleep. This delicate matte fabric is not so easy to pull off the mattress.
And from several secrets of natural silk .
wild silk
silk is not unwound from the cocoon of the silkworm and cocoon
schesyvayut with oak (or wild ) moth , so it looks more like a linen or
wool. Has
excellent water absorbency - the ability to absorb moisture , strength
and sometimes has dark blotches , which gives it charm ethnic antiquity.
Therefore, the average density of wild silk is very popular among those who are fond of martial arts. Wild silk is good in hot weather of it obtained great shirts and shorts in the style of "safari" . Tk
this kind of fabric dye and bleach rarely it is very suitable for
clothing for moms and kids, as well as for people with allergies and
with the problem of excessive sweating . There
is " absolutely wild " rough silk type " mat " with a density of 200 g \
m2 and a width of 2 m long for the interior, but more on that later. Very good for painting in ethnic style (except cold batik technique ) . Edge of wild silk (if poncho or stole ) - you can not sew , but simply " obdergat ." It turns out very cute fringe .Imperial silk
There is also one kind of silk fabric , which allows you to wear in ancient China, only the emperor. This
silk laid out on the river in the province of Su- Zhou , smeared with
mud and algae from the bottom of that river and kept under the scorching
sun exactly 14 days ( half of the lunar cycle ) . Silk
painting algae has two sides - black and brown underside of the front (
velvety and pleasant to the body) and has unique properties : soothes
psoriasis .
Expectant mothers
very well to silk clothes , bed sheet - irritation of the skin become
less noticeable , the child falls asleep faster , feeling soft and warm
touch of silky material . We recommend using unpainted crepe de chine , atlases, and silk effect " peach skin " . For children older than two years , you can use the same wild silk . All
kinds of silk are very strong positive energy , so not only children
but also beremennyzh women , we recommend using a silk undershirt ( home
) clothes.Silk for scarves and bandanas
To scarf slipping off the hair , it is best to make crepe georgette or chiffon.Women's underwear and indoor clothing
and home wear certainly better weave or satin jacquard , but if you
manage to get silk jersey , you can not limit your imagination - this
material is unique, with or without lycra , solid or semi-transparent ,
it is suitable for underwear and for turtlenecks , evening dress and accessories .corsetry
Corsetry stitched silk - not only luxury elite class , but surprisingly practical and necessary thing . Corsets
inner layer modeling figure made of silk satin , jacquard or tuali
gives the skin a chance to breathe and get rid of excess moisture. The
outer layer is made of silk brocade , taffeta or DuPont stretched in
tightening and socks and makes a lasting impression ! This corset will be a long , never cause hot flashes and burning in his mistress .
For those who sew outerwear and leather goods do not need to talk about that silk lining shows the high -class products . Usually
this is the most slippery silk types - Jacquard (sometimes called small
firms report, this can always be ordered from major suppliers lye ) ,
satin or taffeta thin chameleon . And for elegant peignoir no better combination than a silk chiffon, trimmed with fur.Recently there was a silk taffeta with waterproof impregnated jacket , coat and topcoat coat with fur lining. It is similar to an artificial material , but still burning smell singed horn. For those who also knits a lot of interesting material in the silk industry .Silk interior
And finally - one of the hottest topics for silk - environmentally friendly interior. Silk can be used for walls and ceilings (tightening the perimeter , wrapping , stretching on grommet drapery , etc.). And, of course , for decorating windows and bedrooms . Aforementioned silk mat has sufficient width , wood density and amazing texture. White silk habotai can be used for walls and ceilings , simulating evroshtukaturku (and much cheaper !) . The walls breathe and get positive energy natural material. The same can be painted habotai hand and pulling on the frame , tiled walls and stained glass windows and silk panels . In combination with silk linen you get interior "SILK NATIVE"
professionals , decorating restaurants and nightclubs if in silk fabric
poke lit cigarette is lit and will not smolder as viscose, will not
melt , drip flashing and as polyester . Formed round hole and all ! Silk - the safest material for the big " get-togethers " and meets the requirements for fire safety , as no other material . But there is silk and the minus - he hesitates . Although
there are kinds of silk fabric woven from threads of increased twist
that do not crease - this crepe georgette and chiffon . To date, this feature can give things sewn silk , special chic and demonstrate natural fabrics. In
any case the marking "NATURAL SILK" credible to any buyer , and every
year more and more fashion designers and decorators use silk and
copyright and delights in mass production.
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