than three thousand years, China has kept the secret of this amazing
material , and any attempt to remove cocoons of the country is
punishable by death . According to legend, only in 550 AD two wandering monk in their staffs gouged a small hole where and hid silkworm larvae . Since silk was in Byzantium.In
India, silk appeared thanks Tricks Indian king , to woo the Chinese
princess and as a dowry demanded mulberry seeds and silkworm larvae . Unable to deny the groom , princess hid seeds and larvae in hair and exported from the country.Greater demand for silk from Europe was the beginning of the Great Silk Road . Appeared
in the Roman Empire , silk was so expensive that valued its weight in
gold, and was often used as currency in trade, and was allowed to wear
it only very rich people . Emperor Julius Caesar showed his power so that the triumphal entry into Rome ordered to pull on precious silk cloth awnings .In
Europe, flowing and gentle to the touch silk clothing valued not only
for their beauty and durability , but also for other equally important
quality - it not start insects hassled at that time even the nobles ,
not sin overly neat .In the 15th century in France, bed lovers were made silk fabrics - it was believed that silk love multiplies force. But the fashion of silk underwear for the first time introduced the notorious Marquis de Pompadour.Weightless finest silk is prized for its unique properties and has long been surrounded by an aura of mystery . At all times, people admired the silk production . And to this day , this " light as a cloud " and " clear ice " tissue is considered an attribute of good taste and luxury.
Interesting fact
Silk thread has a truly awesome strength, it can withstand a lot of pressure and very strong to break . Tear
silk thread is not inferior to steel in the same diameter, and not so
long ago, it was found that 16 layers of silk withstand a bullet from a
Magnum 357 ( with lead core ) .In the products of silk dust mite does not start . This property shall silk sericin . Sericin (from Lat . Sericum - silk) , silk glue , sticky silk protein . Most
of it is washed away during processing ( washing ) of silk in hot water
, but what remains is enough for what would withstand the appearance of
dust mite . Due to this property , silk hypoallergenic and recommended for people suffering from allergic reactions to house dust mite .Distinguish silk from non- natural , you can use test " for burning ." As
in the case of wool from the burning silk unpleasant smell , and if you
remove the source of fire , the material ceases to burn, and then the
string itself crumbles to ashes.In bleaching silk should be very careful - it can dissolve , but the whiter the thread , the silk is cleaner and better.
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